So finals week has crept up on you and you find yourself wondering where the semester went? Anxiety and pressure are sure to rise as professors begin to release deadlines for papers and study guides for exams. It can, at times, feel as though you will never get this all done in time, but we're here to remind you that you can and you will!
There are many ways you can prepare for finals so you do not find yourself cramming at the last minute, but it is going to take some time and dedication - I promise it will be worth it! The first piece of advice would be to not push off your responsibilities, procrastinating will only make it harder. Even thirty minutes of studying a few days before the exam could do much more good than you even realize. Allison Wetherall, senior Biology major, furthers this in stating, "Make a study guide a week or more in advance so you have plenty of time to study". Again, we understand this is not how you typically want to spend your time, but we promise it will make finals week so much easier!
Second, we recommend finding a nice study spot on campus - we can assure you studying from your form room is not as productive. You need a change of scenery in order to truly focus; again, it will be worth it! Senior English major, Shannon Bedrossian, agrees with this in stating, "Find a place on campus you love, I personally believe I do my best work in the Humanities building and if it's a nice day I try to find a seat outside of Starbucks". Bedrossian, like many others, truly believes in the importance of finding a study spot that suits you - and we completely agree!
Our third and final piece of advice is to not be too hard on yourself. Molly Dion, Senior English Major, states, "A piece of advice I have for finals would be to treat yourself! If you accomplish your work goal for the day, get yourself take-out for dinner or some ice cream, that way you have motivation to complete your goals!".
So, yes, finals week is definitely scary, but you'll do great! Prepare for your exams, trust your abilities, and be kind to yourself - it will be over before you know it!