Being a broke college student isn’t easy, but being a healthy broke college student is all the more difficult. I’m sure we’ve all heard before that college kids only function off of cups of ramen and pizza, but I’m sure nobody wants to feel forced to go to the FAC every day on that diet. Make no mistake, you should eat whatever you want, at the end of the day doing what makes you happy is the most important thing. But here are some tips to make staying healthy and happy as easy as microwaving ramen.
Take advantage of your dining hall
Before I moved off campus, I was one of Boulder’s biggest fans. Some of my favorite Loyola memories come from having meals with my friends and laughing over my Boulder sandwich. Surprisingly there’s a lot of great healthy options that Loyola provides; you just have to be prepared to hunt. Something that I did every single day of Sophomore year was build my own salad. I was a big fan of those salads and you can really mix and match with some great options. Also, don’t be afraid to ask the Boulder workers for the things you want! My friends often took their salads over to a different station and asked for chicken on the top and most workers happily agreed. I really recommend taking advantage of the ‘all you care to eat’ options. Grab those two sides that are included in your meal and save them for later, after all you’re a broke college student!
2. Grocery shop when you can!
Shopping for groceries can be difficult as an underclassman as there usually aren’t that many ways to make it off campus without a car. When I was a Sophomore my roommates and I would split an Uber to the grocery store, that way it wouldn’t be too expensive. When you're there focus on things that will last. Large bags of rice are cheap and rice can be made with so many different meals!
3. Find some local favorites
Even on a budget we all want to go out for food every so often and you should treat yourself when you can! Look around your area for some local places that don’t break the bank. Towson Hot Bagels is one of my favorite little weekend treats because their breakfast sandwiches are inexpensive but amazing. It’s all about exploring Baltimore so have fun and take your time.
4. Buy and freeze produce
The simplest tip in the book. Produce and frozen produce are some of the least expensive things you can get in the grocery store. Find some recipes that you love and make it a frequent in your weekly cooking schedule. I love cauliflower so I’ll buy a big head of cauliflower (usually super cheap!) and I’ll have fun spicing it up differently and that one cauliflower will be good for three more meals. I always put it on a salad the next day to really elevate my meal. In college it’s super common to go out to eat or to eat at the dining hall which means you aren’t cooking every night so frozen produce has been a life saver for me time and time again. I always have frozen broccoli which is perfect for some quick fried rice.
5. Meal Prep
The easiest way to avoid ordering unhealthy food last minute because you’re out of time is to meal prep. Find a day of the week that isn’t too busy and have some fun making food that can easily be reheated and used for future meals. Try cooking several pieces of chicken so that you have a great protein option for the next day or eat it for lunch! The possibilities are endless and there’s thousands of amazing and quick recipes online that will keep your wallet and your body happy.
The best way to stay on top of your health and your budget is to plan ahead and to make cooking and eating something fun. But at the end of the day ordering Chipotle or having that big hamburger isn’t something you should be ashamed of, after all being in college is about doing what makes you happy.