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Jeff Wootan

How to Deal with Zoom Fatigue

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

When I was a young boy, heck even still, I hated that uncomfortable feeling when I would get my picture taken and must stare at the camera for ten or more seconds. It made my eyes water. Just the thought of having to do that for hours in a day would sound like a nightmare to me. Today, for many, that nightmare is a Tuesday. We are living in a Zoom world. Love it or hate it. I find myself the latter most of the time. Classes, meetings, appointments, heck even calling grandma is starting to really drain my energy during the day. I know I am just one of millions if not billions of people who are in the same predicament. Realizing this is what led me to do a bit of research on ways you and I can get over what has been coined as 'zoom fatigue'. Well, as much as we can...

According to the Harvard Business Review, you should avoid multitasking as studies show it cuts into brain performance. You know how easy it is to get distracted while you're on a call. You might check a few emails, scroll through Twitter, or what have you. The point is it strains you. Another digital break from an already digital setting isn't really a break for your brain.

Emphasis on digital though.

Breaks away from the screen are good! You might not be able to leave and do something else but minimize the screen or look away for a few seconds. When there isn't anything being presented visually, you just need to listen. Hopefully your professors aren't sticklers about having your camera on in hell or high water. Let's cross our fingers.

If you have read my other article on making money you know I like to fake advertise a service or product I think you might love. I have to put you on with blue light blocking glasses. These things work wonders! They are specifically designed to reduce the glare from screens and ease digital eye strain. They aren't too expensive. I've seen them range from $20 to $70. Nowadays you might find yourself on Zoom for 6+ hours! Give your eyes a break with these and avoid long term issues.

You might have already been doing one of the tips mentioned. If you have, good for you! If not, try these out and see if class becomes just a bit more bearable for the rest of out time in this pandemic.

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